Innovation & Knowledge-Based Economics
No Interrupting Peter Thiel: Zero to One
Written on January 12, 2015 at 4:07 pm, by The Economic Development Curmudgeon
If entrepreneurialism, venture capital, and tech start up are your thing–this is exactly the kind of info you need to help evaluate proposals, perform due diligence on applications, understand tech business plans, and in general, familiarize yourself with technology business formation. Otherwise, this book can be a great crib sheet to follow the TV hit “Silicon Valley”. It is alleged by some that Thiel is the inspiration for the show’s character, Peter Gregory. I recommend Zero to One because it challenges our conventional principles about young tech companies, and introduces the reader to a new way of thinking and offers economic developers new ideas on how to evaluate potentially successful tech start up. Or if you prefer, it does make HBO’s Silicon Valley more hilarious.
Give me that old-time religion — Innovation is good enuf for me!
Written on May 2, 2014 at 5:21 pm, by The Economic Development Curmudgeon
Innovation has become the rage du jour in economic development. Politicians, especially governors, have incorporated it into their state economic development platforms and policy initiatives. What is this innovation thing and how has it changed in recent years? And why has innovation become so pervasive in state and local economic development public policy?
Silicon Valley and Route 128: The Camelots of Economic Development
Written on May 8, 2013 at 6:11 pm, by The Economic Development Curmudgeon
Silicon Valley and the Route 128 Massachusetts Miracle are a bit of reality and myth tossed together like a Caesar salad. In recent years, the Silicon Valley, in particular, has become a Camelot of sorts for economic developers–a place where the mythical king of technology, innovation and creativity ruled over the dominion of the knowledge-based economy. These magical geographies have personified the holy grail of economic development. What are the realities behind these legends? What lessons can we learn?