Innovation & Knowledge-Based Economics


The Ghost of Christmas Future:

Written on January 23, 2013 at 7:24 pm, by

The last installment of the Oscar-Forgotten Small Business Trilogy finally has arrived.In the third installment, the all too predictable Ghost of Christmas Future, delves into the horrible underlying, real-life story behind start ups and gazelles and how (if) a young and promising economic developer can hitch them up to his/her community revitalization. The issue endsoptimistically by offering a few suggestions on how a sub-state economic developer can actually use some of this Think Tank babble.

The Ghost of Christmas Present: Ok, It’s Not True But Is There a Truism That Is True?

Written on December 19, 2012 at 9:57 pm, by

  The first article in our Tolkien-like small business trilogy asks (asked) the question if , as claimed in the Economic Development  truism, “small business is the nation’s best and greatest job creator” is actually true and literally correct. A related question that follows from the Truism is: “Are start ups the best, most dynamic job creators […]

The Ghost of Christmas Past: Small Business is the Best Job Creator is a Truism, but that doesn’t mean it’s True

Written on December 5, 2012 at 6:52 pm, by

This article, The Ghost of Christmas Past, is the first in our Small Business Holiday Trilogy. The Ghost of Christmas Past describes how and why the Small Business Truism came to be, and how Evil Forces successfully questioned its validity. Is small business our best new net job creator? Open up the first of three Christmas visitors to your email box and find out.

In subsequent issues over the Christmas and New Years holidays we shall send out The Ghosts of the Small Business Present and Future which carry the research on Small Business job creation to the present day and into the future.