The Journal at Six Months
Written on June 17, 2011 at 11:21 pm, by The Economic Development Curmudgeon
We are six months old. Did you ever think we would be around and kicking for so long? Not sure the Curmudgeon did, but judging by informal comments and reactions of our readership we seem to be filling a niche—a cranky (and sometimes windy) niche to be sure. But with the support of the C2ER Board of Directors/Management, especially a young lady named Rebecca, we are not only continuing but building upon our own knowledge-based, innovative and creative initiative (the Journal-in case you weren’t sure what the initiative was). Our success creates, not surprisingly, the need for bureaucracy. We are pleased to announce that we have not one, but two, Assistant Editors (William Cook and Kevin McAvey) and our Creative Visual Specialist, and office mate, Spencer Abrams.